Fossil Canyon Trail: BLM: LIttlefield, AZ ❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Littlefield weather forecast.

Entrance to Fossil Canyon

Entrance to Fossil Canyon

12/13/2021: The only information I can find on this trail is in It is a very lightly trafficked trail, and the first half is on gravel road, and not too exciting. But once you get into the canyon it is very interesting. There are thousands and thousands of small fossils dating back millions of years. I would probably not do it again unless a friend wanted to see some cool fossils, thus the three ❤️s.

Marg’s Notes: Headed east the south to Fossil Canyon on BLM land near Mt. Trumbull, AZ. Another gravel road, but not bad. We were the only people there. Stated out walking on a road to a cattle pen! Then, went thru a gate in the barbed wire fence to the trail. This took us down to a dry stream & up a canyon. Very pretty! Started seen shell like fossils as soon as we got into the canyon. At ~1.4 miles in we came to big rocks that were too tall for me to climb up. Rod did tho and wandered on up the canyon. Was gone for ~½ hour. He took pics & saw more fossils. Did not take long to walk out. About 2.75 miles took 2.5 hours. Then on up thru St. George to Red Reef Recreation area. A very nice BLM area with a campground. Had lunch there then up the Red Reef trail. Another beautiful hike. Saw several people. Climbed up some rocks with ropes! We got to Quail Creek & could not go further. Slippery rocks & H2O. Rod found a way up the cliff, so we climbed up for views again. Hike back did not take long. 2.15 miles in, 2¼ hours. Came back Hwy 91. Gas @ the reservation.

Pot pie dinner.  

Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: We are starting about 10:15 in the morning. Depending upon which time zone you're using 😊. We are in Arizona, the temperature is probably 40° right now, it is sunny, and we are the only ones at the “trailhead”. There is no designated sign, but you just go through a gate with a cable across.

At the water trough you have to go through the gate. It was slightly uphill and to the left as you face the water trough. Open the fence gate and then replace it so cows won’t get out.

At about 1.4 mi into the hike and in Fossil canyon itself you will see some very obvious good-sized fossils and embedded in the stone. When you think about it, and looking at these millions of years old fossils, it is amazing how much life has existed on this earth.

If you are young enough, strong enough, and especially tall enough, you can climb the rock formation at about 1.5 mi in. If not, then this is probably an okay place to turn around. I continued on because I'm big enough and strong enough and handsome enough to do it, but my little wife is a little bit too short. It would probably be a good idea to bring a good rope which I always put on my list and always forget to bring

Above the rock formation after climbing, you will come into a pretty little slot canyon. Keep your eye out for fossils.

There is a very narrow area above the slot canyon which is only maybe 25 to 30 yards long and that little narrow area is easy enough to go up, but it could be very slick if there's water so keep that in mind.